
January 19, 2012

interested in your blog

Hello  hung
I got your email from the blog while I am doing the research for the project  "refugee camps " . For now I only interested in southeast Asia may be later it will expand to other areas.
I would like to used your material  and link to your blog, and complete credit (courtesy) what ever information I used to your blog.
The reason I am doing this project because I am retired now, I was one of the boat people, I saw so many stories scatter all over the internet. I would like to consolidate the info to one web site . I am already taking 2 domain name "  and"
I am design the web site now and try to gather information as much as I can. I was in Pulau Tengah Malaysia 79-80. I got all the boats number , date arrive to PT and number people, and also the pictures of the refugee camp before and after.
 I just visit Galang. I plan to visit many refugee camps, plan on april to visit Laem sing and Sa Kaeo in Thailand
Please let me know
 Thank you very much
Van Thompson or Thanh Van


  1. eThank you very much. Will let you know when we release our web site. I hope by the end of this month.
    Thanks again

  2. Hung
    Thank you. I just release " " and" today.
    I still working on it, but I need the website online so people can see my intention and help. I still need help with many informations.
    PLease pass this along to your friends.Now you can see my goal, please help with any info/photos about refugee camps. thanks


  3. This is awesome. Your effort is very noble and laudable.
    Wish you every success and luck in this work
