7 Early camp near Nong Samet, population went to Nong Samet.
Ang Sila Circa 1983. Evacuation site for Nong Chan prior its incorporation into Site II (1986). Received residents of Nong Chan temporarily during offensives of 1983.
Ampil Sub-camp of Site 2 and KPNLF military headquarters in Cambodia - Ban Sangae / Ban Sa Ngae.
Anlong Veng KR camp / stronghold, opposite Sisaket province, Thailand.
Aranyaprathet camp 15 Ban Thai Samart - opened Sept. 1976.
Ban Baranae Circa 1984. FUNCINPEC camp, see Site B.
Ban Mamuang September 1997 to March 1999, housed refugees from coup. (United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees (UNHCR), Vulnerable Groups Survey: Ban Mamuang and Khao Phlu Camps, Bangkok: UNHCR, 1998)
Ban Napho...
PRPC Maps, from " ICMC Orientation Packet for Local Hire Album.
Courtesy of Emmanuel Jesus Villanueva
7 years ago