August 13, 2013

Dư Âm Hội Ngộ- Lời Cảm Tưởng Trong Buổi Họp Mặt Trại Tỵ Nạn Đường Bộ Thái Lan- Anh Đỗ Chí Siêu

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, distinguished guests, respected seniors, parents, fellow refugees, friends and family. We, people from different parts of Vietnam, Southeast Asia were once together on the border of Thailand and Cambodia, where we became Vietnamese Land Refugees sharing one dream. Today, it is my extreme pleasure to welcome all of you to our 30 year refugee reunion. And I am honored to have been asked to take part in this very special event. Sieu is speaking at the re-union On behalf of the host committee, I would like to thank all of you, who travelled from a long distance to this beautiful city of Montreal to help make...

Hình Sinh Hoạt Scout 2 - Site 2

(Photo courtesy of Pham Dinh Dai)  (Photo courtesy of Pham Dinh Dai) ...

August 12, 2013

Hình Sinh Hoạt Scout 1 - Site 2

(Photo courtesy of Pham Dinh Dai) ...

August 09, 2013

Những khuôn mặt tị nạn xưa (7)- Tri Le

hình ảnh tại Chùa người Hoa Site 2 North - 1986  (Photo courtesy of Tri Le) Trước Chùa Trong chùa nguời  hoa ...

August 08, 2013

Những khuôn mặt tị nạn xưa (10)- Tri Le

Site 2 - 1985-1987  (Photo courtesy of Tri Le) ...

August 07, 2013

Những khuôn mặt tị nạn xưa (11)- Tri Le

Where are our Friends now??? Site 2 North - 1986  (Photo courtesy of Tri Le) ...

August 06, 2013

Những khuôn mặt tị nạn xưa (12) - Tri Le

Site 2 - 1985-1987  (Photo courtesy of Tri Le) ...

August 05, 2013

Những khuôn mặt tị nạn xưa (7)- Thu Hương

(Photo courtesy of Thu Huong) ...
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