January 30, 2014

Return to Aranyaprathet, 2010 - Photos courtesy of Stéphane Rousseau

The refugees at the border camps knew the name of the places where the volunteers departed each morning to come to the camps and returned at night:  Aranyaprathet, Tapraya, Banthai Samart...but we really never had a chance to go there, never envisioned what the towns look like. Until now. These are photos of Aranyaprathet (know as Aran by refugees)  taken by Stéphane Rousseau, an UNBRO camp officer during our refugee time, to show the town many of us only know by name, and the organizations we remember by heart, when he revisited Aran in 2010 Thanks Stéphane for sharing these photos. The photo album could be viewed here: https://picasaweb.google.com/112529052878961710519/ReturnToAranyaprathetFeb2010?noredirect=1# This...

January 25, 2014

My Biography - Sieu Sean Do

Our friend Sieu Sean Do (aka Do Chi Sieu) is writing his biography and needs friends' support. Below is information Sieu has created to raise fund for this book.  Click on the link below to find out how   * * * http://www.gofundme.com/5x6awg Dear Friends and family, As many of you may already know, I am a survivor of the Khmer Rouge genocide and of the war between Cambodia and Vietnam. At the age of eleven, I was forced to leave my country and moved to Vietnam. After living there for seven years, I fled to a refugee camp in Thailand where I joined the International Red Cross and trained as a physician’s assistant.  I...

Hình ảnh trại tị nạn biên giới Nong Samet 1984 - set 9 Photo courtesy of Do Chi Sieu

Hình ảnh trại tị nạn biên giới Nong Samet 1984 - set 9 Photo courtesy of Do Chi Sieu ...

January 10, 2014


A REAL STORY OF A VIETNAMESE LAND REFUGEE BOY...(As promised, here is the draft in English....sorry for the overdue!)Vietnamese Land Refugee fellows who once sheltered at Site 2 north and South camps along Thai-Cambodia border between 1984-1986, may recall of a little boy, but active and smart, mince and polite who every morning and any time of the day, used to loudly call people name on the speakers of the camp in order reaching all patients who had been elected to transfer to Khao I Dang hospital, where they were treated , followed up and or got surgery (i.e Cataracts, tumor removal, or those medical procedures that was unavailable at the border)....

January 04, 2014

Unbroken Bonds of Love - By Thomas Dunleavy, M.M.

After three decades, a Maryknoll priest reunites with friends he had served as refugees  By Thomas Dunleavy, M.M. The original article could be read here: http://www.maryknollmagazine.org/index.php/magazines/475-unbroken-bonds-of-love It had been 30 years since I had seen most of the 400 people gathered for a special reunion in Montreal, Canada, last June. I had served them when they were refugees struggling for survival in camps in Southeast Asia. Now they are living happy, productive lives, many of them business professionals and educators. As I greeted them, I was overcome with joy. My mind flashed back to 1980 when I landed in Bangkok,...
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