May 30, 2015

A Tribute to Gaylord Barr

Dear friends With profound sadness I want to let you know that Gaylord Barr passed away this morning after a brief battle with cancer. Gaylord Barr did not work at the border refugee camps, but those of us who passed through Galang or PRPC on our last leg of the journey to freedom might have been lucky to know him. His kindness, his gentle smile, his humility, his caring made us feel so special, so important about ourselves. We the refugees are indebted forever to his kindness, to his caring for the underprivileged wherever he was. We can never say enough good things about Gaylord, nor words can describe it, but we all want to say, thank-you,...

May 29, 2015

A clip to tribute and honor Fr Pierre Ceyrac . s.j on this day May 30

On this day 30 May, We remember our Friend, our Savior, our great benefactor...Father Pierre Ceyrac.s.j... We know that He is continuosly watching us, guarding us , protecting us from the if it was yesterdays, or some over 30 years ago...He is still being among us in each and every one of us...Father May you rest with us forever....(Peter Trinh)** Video courtesy of Peter Tri...

Father Pierre Ceyrac: A life of service

A life of service Father Pierre Ceyrac, S.J., who was honoured by the French Government recently, has devoted all his life to the service of the poor and the needy.   ASHA KRISHNAKUMAR FOR over 60 years he has worked for the poor and the needy. He has also served refugees in strife-torn Rwanda and in Cambodia. He takes care of the basic needs of some 18,000 poor and abandoned children in Tamil Nadu. He works for the cause of women, peasants and Dalits. And Father Pierre Ceyrac, S.J., has gone about doing all this work ever so quietly. The services rendered by the 84-year-old French missionary came into focus last...

May 23, 2015

Người Bộ nhân cuối cùng của Trại tỵ nạn Đường Bộ VN Dong Rek-Site 2

Gia Đình anh Phạm Văn Nghệ, người Bộ nhân cuối cùng của Trại tỵ nạn Đường Bộ VN Dong Rek-Site 2....vừa được định cư tại Canada cùng một số đồng bào khác . Đây là một sự thành công và nỗ lực của Cộng Đồng Người Việt Quốc Gia tại Canada, và các tổ chức tranh đáu Nhân quyền cho Việt Nam và được chính phủ Canada trong đó phải nhắc tới ThủTướng Stephen Harper và chính phủ của ông, TNS Ngô Thanh Hải... Trong trường hợp của anh Nghệ, Cha Thomas Dunleavy dòng Maryknoll là người đã lập hồ sơ và đưa sang cho Trịnh Hội , cũng như phủ Cao Ủy Tỵ Nạn UNHCR để can thiệp cho trường...
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