April 15, 2016

My Escape from Vietnam - By Khoa Tran

I survived for three weeks traveling across 400 miles and faced many hardships and obstacles. I am thankful everyday for everyone who risked their lives to let us have a taste of this freedom that can be only found in America. One of the most difficult and most frightening experiences of my life was my adventure through the forests of Cambodia escaping from Vietnam. It was the most exciting and showed me the meaning of the struggle for freedom. For freedom many Vietnamese people died in the oceans and forests, or were raped and killed by people who were similar to them. I survived and had a meaningful and unforgettable experience...

April 14, 2016

Report on the Vietnamese land refugees - By Kim Ha

The following account is true as based upon the testimony of the author. Its sole purpose in being presented here is to serve as a record of the truth, to inform the world of the plight of the refugees and to enlighten future generations as to the reality of the refugee flight from Vietnam. These reports are in no way intended to condemn or defame any ethnic group or nationality, but rather to preserve the lasting impressions of the author regarding her experiences. . KIM HA: THE LAND REFUGEES THE ORIGIN OF THE LAND REFUGEE PROBLEM From 1975 on, the people of South Vietnam, realizing they could not endure living under the cruel and...
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