June 05, 2018

NW 82 and the "exposed sites" Nong Chan, Nong Samet, Phnomchat

Old event but interesting, just learned about from Washington Post.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1983/01/14/thailand-relents-allowing-resettlement-abroad-of-vietnamese-refugees/d75b981c-cb04-4492-a034-b389f68e0960/?utm_term=.ce1e93108c11 Thailand Relents, Allowing Resettlement Abroad of Vietnamese Refugees By William Branigin January 14, 1983 After a year of lobbying by western governments and relief agencies, Thailand has relented on its policy of detaining more than 1,800 Vietnamese refugees in a squalid and dangerously situated camp on the Thai-Cambodian border as a deterrent to new arrivals. In an interview, the head of Thailand's National Security Council, Squadron Leader Prasong Soonsiri, confirmed that the government has...
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