May 31, 2019

All that helps us to remember of Our Fr Ceyrac.

Shared from Peter Trinh Facebook. He fed us with hope and faith...and those keeps us alive, strong....and free.. A song that we raised high and loud in the middle of nowhere....a mass that is no second time we could find in our life.... "Ah..Vì sao tự nhiên tôi mơ màng khi nắng chiều....." All that helps us to remember of Our Fr Ceyrac.. Father May You Live with Us forever.. "Mes racines sont dans le ciel" ...

May 30, 2019

Tribute to Father Pierre Ceyrac

Shared from Peter Trinh Facebook Tribute to Father Pierre Ceyrac- A Greatest Friend of The Refugees along Thailand-Cambodia Border Re-post with sound. Here we can hear and listen to the voice of Fr Pierre Ceyrac...He is actually among us, inside of us and above the past, now and forever.... PS: Special thanks to Fr Jerry Martinson .s.j.-Kuangchi Program Services-Taiwan for the Video, recorded 1985-1986 Dongrek-Site A ...
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