October 08, 2019

"A Cloak of Good Fortune" - A Biography by Sieu Sean Do

If you lived in one of the Vietnamese land refugee camps along the Thailand-Cambodia border: Nong Samet, Dong Rek, Site A, Site 2, you probably knew or ran into this young man sometime. His name is Sieu Sean Do (aka Do Chi Sieu, as he is known at the camps). Sieu used to be an interpreter and worked at the camps' clinic (or OPD, Outpatient Department) as physician assistant for almost his entire life there. Sieu understands, speaks fluently and/or writes many languages: English, French, Denish, Khmer, Vietnamese, Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese, and Chew chow)  Sieu is now writing a book, A Cloak of Good Fortune, a biography that recalls,...
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