September 11, 2022

How NW9 was established : Our Saviors - Repost with photo courtesy of Ysa Cosiem

Ông Leon de Riedmatten là người hăng hái và tích cực vận độngđể đưa hơn 300 bộ nhân rời Nong Samet đến miền đất hứa NW9 giữa rừng già ngày 4/18/1980.    Here we are in April again.To most people it is just another month, but to some Vietnamese land refugees April 18th and April 20st, 1980 are the most memorable date in their life, besides the black April 30th, 1975 when the communist took over the South Vietnam and forced them to escape the country On April 18th, 1980, about 300 Vietnamese land refugees were rescued from Nong Samet and moved to NW9 camp. Two days later, another 600 were rescued from Nong Chan in similar...
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