March 31, 2023

Another article about our friend: Sieu Sean Do – Surviving the Atrocities of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia Sean Do – Surviving the Atrocities of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia ByGrind Success Updated on March 25, 2023  The Cambodian genocide from 1975 to 1979 left millions to succumb to death, while many faced forced evacuation from Cambodia. It was April 17, 1975, when the Khmer Rouge captured Cambodia’s capital Phnom Penh. Sieu Sean Do, one of the survivors of the Cambodian genocide, witnessed people being taken away to communal farms and rural camps as the new regime began its...

March 23, 2023

An article about our friend: Sieu Sean Do – Enduring and Persisting through the Cambodian Genocide and Atrocities  Photo by Becky Lee When the Communists took power in Cambodia in 1975, they quickly evacuated all cities and towns, forcing nearly two million people to labor in the countryside. In less than four years, nearly two million people or one in every seven Cambodians died due to famine, starvation, and undiagnosed or neglected diseases. Citizens could be jailed for minor transgressions, and the government built massive jails where individuals were confined, tortured, and killed. The most infamous of these jails...

March 03, 2023

Some photos of the border camps

 Some photos of the border camps while surfing the ...
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