Sunday, December 08, 2013
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We recount mostly the stories and post the photos of the refugees in the camps, mentioning passingly the volunteers, those who helped us get to where we are today, because we are either ignorant about them, or simply do not know the stories.
We vaguely know how they came to help, what they encountered, where they lived during those days. We met them somewhere around the camp, greeted them in the passing trucks, worked with them at the clinic, talked to them when they brought food and water to the camps.
When night came we withdrew to our shelter and worried about our own life for tomorrow; The volunteers returned to their place somewhere inside Thailand, Aranyaprathet, Tapraya, Banthai Samart...Wherever it was, we were so concerned about our own fate that we did not seem to think much about them, except what to ask for next time when they came.
We suffered the hardship in the refugee camps because we were forced to, the volunteers faced the dangers because they were willing to, because of their golden hearts. They choose to endure because of their desire to save us.
Their sacrifice is a testament to humanity, to the loving and caring for us the refugees. For that we are always grateful, and indebted to.
Stéphane Rousseau, an UNBRO camp officer during our refugee time, captured a lot of photos during that time and is willing to share with us now. Thank you Stéphane, for all the thing you've done for us, and for sharing your stories and photos here
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These photos tell one of the incident the volunteers encountered when they brought water, food, medical supply and personnel to site 2 camp in 1988. The Thai villagers got angry and blocked the road from the convoy, when Stéphane was called in to persuade the villagers to let the supply convoy go.
(photos by Dr Rob Overtoom, courtesy of Stéphane Rousseau)
Note: The French caption is from Stéphane, the lightly translated English version is not verbatim, to assist those who could not read French.
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Stéphane Rousseau in his truck at Site 2 |
"Situation du jour: les villageois thaïlandais sont en colère et bloquent l'accès au camp de réfugiés de Site 2 a tout le personnel humanitaire. On m'appelle pour aller négocier" (Stéphane Rousseau)
Photo by Dr Rob Overtoom
Thai villagers are angry and blocking access to the refugee camp Site 2. I am called in to negotiate with them
"Les négociations débutent" - the negotiation begin (Stéphane Rousseau)
Photo by Dr Rob Overtoom |
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OK, c'est bon pour les ambulances... reste encore tout le personnel médical, les camions d'eau potable et de nourritures, on fera passer les camions de bambous plus tard... (route d'acces au Site 2) (Stéphane Rousseau)
The villagers let the ambulance pass, but other medical personnel, water and food trucks, as well as trucks carrying bamboos will have to wait
The photo album could be view here:
Posted in: Site II Camp,Stephane Rousseau
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