February 22, 2014

Hình ảnh trại tị nạn biên giới Site 2 , 1984-1986 - set 11 Photo courtesy of Do Chi Sieu

Hình ảnh trại tị nạn biên giới Site 2 , 1984-1986 - set 11 Photo courtesy of Do Chi Sieu *** Our friend Sieu Sean Do (aka Do Chi Sieu) is writing his biography and needs friends' support. Below is information Sieu has created to raise fund for this book. Click on the link below to find out how http://www.gofundme.com/5x6awg *** ...

February 09, 2014

Hình ảnh trại tị nạn biên giới Nong Samet 1984 - set 10 - Photo courtesy of Do Chi Sieu

Hình ảnh trại tị nạn biên giới Nong Samet 1984 - set 10 Photo courtesy of Do Chi Sieu *** Our friend Sieu Sean Do (aka Do Chi Sieu) is writing his biography and needs friends' support. Below is information Sieu has created to raise fund for this book. Click on the link below to find out how http://www.gofundme.com/5x6awg *** ...

February 07, 2014

A place called home - Photo courtesy of Stéphane Rousseau

To the refugees then, these volunteers were living in paradise. They must have good food, beautiful place, nice cars, wonderful walkies talkie, full of power. Now that we all know how a comfortable life feel like. We live in place where food is bountiful and convenience a given, we just realize the volunteers must abandon their comfortable lives to come to the dangerous border to save us, to lend us a hand when we were the most helpless. Here is a photo of the place Stephane used to live and worke for the refugees at the border camps. How many of us could be willing to do the same to our fellow refugees who are still everywhere around the world:...
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