September 22, 2013

Video - Vietnamese Land Refugee Reunion at St Joseph Oratory in Montreal, Canada, 22nd June 2013

Video produced by TDT Studio Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Gathering at L'Auberge Chapter 3: Reunion at L'Auberge Chapter 4: Reunion speeches Chapter 5: Father Tom Chapter 6: Thanks Giving Mass Chapter 7: Reception Chapter 8: Gratitude Chapter 9: Conclusion ...

September 21, 2013

THE TERROR AND TRAGEDY OF DONG REK - Nỗi kinh hoàng và bi kịch của Trại Tỵ Nạn Đường Bộ Việt-Nam Dongrek / Site 2

Why have the Vietnamese land refugees not been resettled? On Oct. 14,1988, the land refugees requested that the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) help to resettle them in another country as refugees, as had done with Vietnamese in other camps. Three weeks later, a UNHCR official in Bangkok responded with a letter that was as unsympathetic to their plight and protection as it was contradictory. "Since Site 2 camp is not under UNHCR mandate our office is not in a position to assist you." UNHCR refused to help the refugees because they were in a section of the camp run by the United Nations Border...

September 18, 2013

Father, you never leave

When we all departed Settling down around the world He is still there Smiling broadly to the refugees As if we never leave When we are all asleep Dreaming about the next thing to buy He is still there Lending his fragile shoulder to any shaking man As if he never ages When we are all move on with life Leaving the land we once lived covered with wild He is still there Listening to the hardship, the suffering, the pain As if he never knows it beforehand Photos of  some of the activities father Tom is doing in Thailand- courtesy of Father Tom ...

September 15, 2013

Doctor Robert Brands, Doctor Robert Overtoom and the Medical Team MSF, COERR at the Thailand-Cambodia border - Dongrek , Site 2 Camp

Doctor Robert Brands, Doctor Rob Overtoom, all medical staffs who once upon the time have extended their helping hands and responded to our desperate needs and in most difficult and crisis situations...Vietnamese Land Refugee Camps , we would like to convey our deepest and overdue gratitude to you all . What you have done for us remain in our heart....We wanted you to know that there is always a special place in our heart to remember you...although we missed you at our 30 years reunion in Montreal recently 22 June 2013... We thank you! "... The first part of this video clip was recorded in the COERR clinic for out-patients at Site One,...

September 14, 2013

Return to Site 2 - Feb 2010 - Photos courtesy of Stephane P. Rousseau

With a great pleasure to introduce to you Stephane P. Rousseau , a former UN official tenured different roles back in our refugee time in Dongrek, Site 2 and beyond... Stephane was not only helping to bring food and water on daily basic to the refugees at that time... He was also actually using his powerful lens to capture many images, photos....those are now priceless, recently he even returned back to the site to witness and judge the different setback by time and mother of nature....He has shared with us this voyage...Thank you Stephane . "Monta has been my wife for now more than 23 years" ~Stephane(photo courtesy of Peter Chuong) For...

September 11, 2013

Hình gia đình tại Site 2 và Banthad của anh Võ Thanh Liêm

(Photo courtesy of Vo Thanh Liem) ...
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